5 months pregnant baby size, weight and development In the 5th month of pregnancy, the growth of the baby is rapid and it may grow up to 6 to 8 inches long and weighs about 360 grams The foetus also goes through a series of At the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, fat begins to be deposited on your babyYour baby is about 36 cm (14 inches) long and weighs from about 900 1800g (two to four pounds) Your baby's18 weeks pregnant baby position When you’re at the beginning of your fifth month of pregnancy, you might feel the very first movements of your baby While he’s trying out his muscles, you also develop intense food cravings During this time, your baby weighs almost 7 ounces and is 5 and a half inches long — putting him at the size of a cucumber
Pregnant Belly Size Chart And Shape Things You Should Know
Stomach 5 months pregnant baby position